A journal of turn-of-the-century theatre

Issue 4 - Summer 2012

Essays Current ResearchReviewsContributorsAnnouncements



A Bibliography of Publications about George Bernard Shaw by Charles A. Carpenter

Platform: e-Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts (Postgraduate, Royal Holloway University of London)

Conference on Edward Gordon Graig, March 2013, Pomona College, Claremont, CA

“Leisure! Enjoyment! Fun!: International Nineteenth-Century Society Conference, The University of Virginia, March 14-17, 2013; deadline: October 1, 2012

International Drama/Theatre and Education Association Congress, Paris, July 8-13, 2013

The Eighth Lamp: Ruskin Studies Today
invites contributors to submit scholarly papers (8,000-10,000 or 3500-4000 words), ideas for book reviews, exhibition reviews, news and events, titles of publications and projects in progress, and creative work and abstracts related to John Ruskin and related nineteenth century scholarship. Scholarly papers should be submitted at least six to eight months in advance to allow for the refereeing and revisions process.

The Eighth Lamp is an online and double blind refereed journal published by Rivendale Press, UK (ISSN 2049-3215). It is led and managed by Dr Anuradha Chatterjee (Founding Editor and Co-Editor), Lecturer in History and Theory in Architecture and Design, University of Tasmania, and Dr Laurence Roussillon-Constanty (Co-Editor), Senior Lecturer in English, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France. The journal is also complemented by a ten strong Editorial Board that provides intellectual and pedagogical support and leadership to the journal. It is part of The Oscholars group of journals ( edited by David Charles Rose.

The scope of The Eighth Lamp is multidisciplinary and it welcomes submissions related to art, religion, historiography, social criticism, tourism, economics, philosophy, science, architecture, photography, preservation, cinema, and theatre. The Oscholars site has a monthly audience of over 45,000. The journal is circulated to over 100 scholars and academics internationally. The journal is listed in key Victorian studies and nineteenth century literature, culture, and visual studies forums. Previous issues of The Eighth Lamp can be accessed via the following link:

Please email submissions directly to the editors at

Blog: Novel Ideas: Modern Musings on the Long Nineteenth Century

Edwardian Culture Network
“The Edwardian Culture Network is a new project designed to bring together scholars working on various aspects of culture in Britain between the years 1895-1914.”